591 to 600

No. 591
“The Pure Land is in the nembutsu you pronounce ‘now’.” Head Priest.

お浄土は、「今」称えるお念佛の中にあります。    (住職の言)
No. 592
“My being able to draw breath today is the result of what has been done for me. If there are three ways of dying, dying with gratitude, dying when one is unconscious and dying full of complaints, I would really like to die with gratitude.” Senior Dharma friend.

今日こうして息をさせて頂くこと自体が「御恩」であります。このことを感謝して死んでいけるか、わからないまま死んでいくか、不平を言いながら死んでいくか、そんな三つの在り方があるのなら、本当に感謝して死んでいきたいものです。    (あるご先達の言)
No. 593
“I was happy, my mother, to have been born your child. If there were to be another life, I would like to be born your child again. Thank you very much.” Woman in her forties attending her mother’s funeral.

お母さんの子供に生んでもらって、本当に幸せでした。もう一度生まれ変わるということがあっても、またお母さんの子供として生まれてきたいです。ありがとうございました。    (四十代の婦人御門徒が、母上の葬儀にて御礼の言)
No. 594
“My elder sister was a Buddha for me.” Senior Dharma friend at the memorial service held for his late elder sister.

姉は私の佛様でした    (亡姉上の忌明法要にて、ある老年お同行の言)
No. 595
“It is very important for us to reexamine what originally motivated us to listen to the Buddha-dharma.” Head Priest.

佛法をなぜ聞くようになったか、その「動機」を思いなおしてみることが大切です。 (住職の言)
No. 596
“Jealousy and envy appear to lie at the back of the minds of those that demand equality. Based on this psychology we tend to want everybody to share the same environment.” Senior Dharma friend.

平等を叫ぶ私どもの心の底には、どうも羨みの心とか、嫉妬の心があるようです。だから、「誰も彼も自分と一緒の境遇になってもらいたい」という心になってしまう。  (あるご先達の言)
No. 597
“It is important for us to cultivate ourselves in daily life.” Head Priest.

日常、自分で自分を掘り起こす訓練が大事です。    (住職の言)
No. 598
“It is by understanding “harmonious unity” that we can promote the Buddha-dharma in creative ways.” Head Priest.

建立佛法は「和合」によって実現してゆきます。    (住職の言)
No. 599
“When absorbed in the practice of giving (dana) we should make sure we preserve a reverential heart.” Head Priest.

布施の行にも敬いの心がなければなりません。    (住職の言)

No. 600
“Our Samgha is a classroom in which we learn to become aware of ourselves.” Head Priest.

僧伽は自分を知らせてもらう教室です。    (住職の言)