271 to 280

No. 271
The Head Priest said, “Nowadays it is vital that you meet someone you can confide in and trust with your problems.”

現在の社会では、安心して聞いてもらえる人が得られるということが急務です。 (住職の言)
No. 272
A young man living in a taya house said, “Before coming to live in the temple I think I was very insensitive. But now I surprise myself by the way I am gradually becoming able to care for others.”

寺内に止住する前は、無神経な自分でしたが、今、少しずつ他人のことを思えるようになったことが不思議です。    (寺内止住の若者の言)
No. 273
The Head Priest said, “The nembutsu realizes itself within the passage of time, never being an object of our understanding. It is the essence of our ‘practice’.”

お念佛は時間と共にあり、決して解釈するものではありません。それが「行」に他なりません。    (住職の言)
No. 274
The Head Priest said, “The Buddha-dharma is a matter of ‘practice’ and ‘faith’ and nothing else. Anything that you grasp with your intellect can only lead to delusion.”

佛法は「行」と「信」。頭で理解したものは迷いのもとになります。    (住職の言)
No. 275
A young man living at the temple said, “When you live in a taya house, those around you will tell you frankly even those things you might not like to hear from school friends, parents or siblings. Consequently I really feel the need to live here.”

多屋生活は、学校の友達や、親兄弟などから言われたくないことをハッキリ言ってもらえる。そこに大きな必要性を感じています。    (多屋止住の若者の言)
No. 276
A young man living at the temple said, “We tend to try and escape our present situation by lying but such lies eventually only lead to greater suffering. Even if we suffer, we should at least remember to be open and continue to listen to others.”

嘘をつくことによってその場を逃れようとするが、その嘘が結局もっと自分を苦しめる。苦しい時でも、人に聞いていくことだけは忘れないようにしたい。  (寺内止住の若者の言)
No. 277
Reverend Tetsuo Kamada said, “It is because we have been neglecting religion that we have got such an accumulation of problems in our present society. It means we have forgotten how to worship and show respect.”

宗教を無視してきたが故に、問題累積のこの現代社会の様相となった。尊ぶこと、拝むことを忘れているということです。    (釜田哲男師の言)
No. 278
The Head Priest said, “Those who receive the Buddha-dharma are more important as a foundation of the Sangha than those who teach it.”

佛法を説く人より、佛法を受ける人の地盤がもっと大切です。    (住職の言)
No. 279
The Head Priest said, “The fulfillment of the Original Prayer refers to ‘true encounter’ between people, the discovery of friends and spiritual exchange. Positively speaking, such fulfillment is not an end in itself but our starting point.”

本願成就とは、人の発見であり、ふれ合いであり、人と人との「本来的出会い」のことを成就というのです。積極的には、むしろそこから展開する新しい出発のことです。 (住職の言)
No. 280
The Head Priest said, “What is known in our tradition as ‘accumulated good’ is grateful appreciation of one’s entire past, manifested in respecting one’s master with great humility.”

「宿善」とは、師弟の恭敬尊重の中に現れる、柔軟な人格化された過去です。 (住職の言)