181 to 190

No. 181
Reverend Kojun Shinohara said, “When you think about the origin [of your life], then a path will open up before you.”

本(根本)は、何かと考える時に、道が現れる。    (寺内僧・孝順師の言)
No. 182
Mr Kenji Toda, a Dharma friend from the Kanto District, said, “I shall never forget my master’s kind words, telling me I would be able to revere the lotus flower from its roots beneath the water.”

「水底の蓮根から蓮の花が仰がれる様になります」と、善知識に言って頂いたことが忘れられない……。    (関東同行・戸田健二氏)
No. 183
At the Summer Training Assembly Reverend Josen Matsunaga said, “Stop doing whatever you feel obliged to do. Do instead whatever you are impelled to do.”

「しなければならないことは、やめなさい。せずにおれないことをやりなさい」と云って頂いた。    (錬成会・幼児班にて法話された浄泉師の言)
No. 184
At the Summer Training Assembly Reverend Keimei Takehara said, “The existence of ‘a taya house’ motivates me to work. How happy I am to be with a good teacher and Dharma friends who are so sincere in their desires!”

「多屋」の存在が、自分を動かして下さる。同行善知識の願心と共にある我が身の倖せ。 (錬成会にて慶明師の言)
No. 185
At the Summer Training Assembly the Head Priest stated, “When people of different languages, customs and nationalities encounter one another with mutual respect, then we will find true courtesy.”

言葉、習慣、民族が異なる人が敬うをもって出会った時に、「礼」となる。 (錬成会での住職の言)
No. 186
At the Summer Training Assembly the Head Priest declared, “The essence of music lies in the harmony created through music between those who share one spirit and one language.”

音楽は心と言葉を共にする人が和することである。    (錬成会での住職の言)
No. 187
At the Summer Training Assembly the Head Priest told us, “Once we discover ‘the significance of being in the here and now’, we come to enjoy making an effort in the true sense and the effort we make will be long lasting. When this is so, our relationship with our friends will become more assured.”

「居り甲斐」を見つけると、真の努力がしたくなり、努力が長続きする。努力が長続きすれば友人関係が一層確かなものとなる。    (錬成会での住職の言)
No. 188
At the Summer Training Assembly the Head Priest also said, “It is ‘light’ that penetrates everything whether of form or of no form. The deepest dimension of the Buddha-dharma is expressed by ‘light’.”

有形無形の世界を貫くものは「光」。佛法の根底は「光」によって表現される。 (錬成会での住職の言)
No. 189
The Head Priest said, “Breaking through all barriers of form and no form, ‘light’ and ‘nembutsu’ reverberate.”

「光明」と「念佛」とは、有形無形の壁を破って「共鳴」する。    (住職の言)
No. 190
The Head Priest said, “Light penetrates wherever we attain true encounter,. When we receive light, faith is born and through the joy of faith the Buddha Name (myogo) starts working.”

「本来的出会い」の「場」には、「光明」が届く。「光明」が届いた時に、「信心」が起こり、その「信心」の喜びを通して、「名号」が用く。    (住職の言)