131 to 140

No. 131
Reverend Keimei Takehara said, “If someone stands in opposition to your opinion, it is a great opportunity for you to truly encounter that person.”

意見が対立した時こそ、その人と出会うチャンス。    (慶明師の言)
No. 132
At the last May Assembly Ms Sarah Mary Cummings said, “When we become aware that we are now living thanks to our ancestors, we think very seriously about what we should pass on to the next generation.”

ご先祖様のおかげで、今自分がいることに気づいた時、次の世代に何を伝えるべきかを真剣に考える。    (講習会においてセーラ・マリ・カミングスさんの言)
No. 133
The Head Priest said, “If there is ‘any vestige of a sense of duty’ in your way of seeking after truth, you will only remain frustrated.”

求道に「お役目」心があったら、不満しか残らない。    (住職の言)
No. 134
A lady living in the Seiwa Taya said, “My granddaughter, aged three, said to us, ‘I like going to the temple. Let’s go hand in hand!’ My husband then said with some emotion, ‘We have been wishing to pass on our faith to our grandchildren. But now, quite the opposite, they are teaching us’.”

「3歳の孫娘から『お寺にお参りしたいの。手をつないで一緒に行こう』って言われたと、主人が感動していうんです。孫への相続を願って来ましたが、孫から逆相続を教えられることがありますね」。  (清和多屋のある婦人の言)
No. 135
Reverend Kamada, the Head Priest of Kyoganji Temple, said, “What is important is to change from ‘the way of teaching what we don’t possess’ to ‘the way of simply enjoying with others what is given us’.”

「自分に無いものを数える」計算式から、「頂いているものを喜ぶ」計算式への切り替えと思います。    (教願寺・釜田師の言)
No. 136
At the last May Assembly Ms Sarah Mary Cummings said, “When I came to have ‘an ear to listen to others,’ their voices helped me to solve my own problems.”

「聞く耳」を持った時、人の声が私を助けてくれた。 (講習会においてセーラ・マリ・カミングスさんの言)
No. 137
Reverend Kojun Shinohara said, “One who can say thank you is the happiest person in the world.”

「有り難うございます」と言える人が、一番幸せ。    (孝順師の言)
No. 138
The Head Priest said, “If you deny your relationship with others, you cannot hope to progress spiritually.”

人との関係を拒絶しては、進歩は望めません。    (住職の言)
No. 139
The Head Priest of Shoryuji Temple said, “Failing to understand the true meaning of ‘Other Power of the Original Prayer,’ I have mistaken it for ‘blind dependence on Other Power.”

私は他力本願でなくて、「他力依存」と誤っていた。    (正立寺様の言)
No. 140
The Head priest said, “If you hide yourself from others by switching between your private self and your public self, you cannot serve the Buddha.”

本音と建て前とを使い分け、隠し事をしていては、佛様はお出にならない。   (住職の言)